As you can read from our tagline, we are the sweetspot of climate stewardship and civic leadership. And there is no better example of that than our effort to get a Climate Action Plan for Indiana.
On June 11, YPI director Jim Poyser, Earth Charter Indiana board president Rosemary Spalding, and a half dozen youth (see our Blog section for their testimonials) presented to the Environmental Rules Board at the Government Center in Indianapolis.
Read about the petition preparation in Jim's blog.
Here's the deal. We are in the midst of the beginning of a climate crisis resulting from greenhouse gas pollution. The evidence is already there -- from GHG pollution we emitted decades ago. The pollution we're emitting now will push us into an era -- within decades, perhaps even mere years -- of climate disruption, with extreme weather, food insecurity and health emergencies.
So it's time to get busy now.
Indiana is a great place to work on this! Some of our leaders haven't yet been exposed to the consensus science surrounding climate change, and our energy, transportation and agricultural sectors are heavy polluters. There is great urgency to deal with this, and potential economic benefits, too.
Indiana is one of 16 states in the country that does not have a Climate Action Plan. We aim to change that. We can do that with the leadership of folks like the Environmental Rules Board.
They heard our citizen petition on June 11 and are now considering next steps. We hope they'll grant us a public hearing in the fall so that Hoosiers have the opportunity to step to the mic and say that adopting and implementing a Climate Action Plan is a smart, cautious and courageous act. And something that we need to get started on now.
We need your help.
Sign our petition. Share with your friends. We need to build our numbers!
Read what others had to say in their personal statements.
Get informed. We have lots of documents and links to dig in on learn about what 97% of scientists are saying about our climate crisis.
You can access and browse all these documents here. Read on line or download for yourself!