“What is the point of being alive if you don’t even try to do something remarkable?” — John Green
The first day I arrived at the Peace Learning center for climate camp, I didn’t know what I was walking into exactly. There were several different age groups, our youngest camper at age 9 and oldest being 17. There was a significant age gap, but everyone clicked immediately. I didn’t know anyone except two of the other campers and Jim Poyser, but I instantly felt at home.
I didn’t have much to say, considering I had never dug into climate change before. Climate change always seemed to be one of those things that would take care of itself. It never seemed like it would amount into something of my concern. Oh boy, was I wrong!
All through the week, I learned things I had never even thought of before, and honestly, I am still completely mind-blown. Now that I know it’s my future we are talking about, I feel I have to do something about it. This camp has inspired me to do great things at my school, home and to let other people, even strangers, know what will happen if we keep these habits up.
Climate camp taught me that it’s up to the younger generation to make a difference. If we don’t take a stand and we let the lifestyle we are living continue, there won’t be much of a future to come.
I want to thank the people of Climate Camp, Peace Learning Center, Indy Urban Acres, Second Helpings, Eskenazi Health, and so many more for making this camp possible because no matter how cheesy it sounds, it has changed my life and made me more proactive towards the situation.
Maddie Brooks, 14
Project Libertas
For more on Climate Camp, see Jim Poyser's blog.